43 Leberia Road, Adabraka 057 7062 505 Mon - Fri: 08:00 - 16:00


World Hypertension Day

Today is World Hypertension day. Let’s all remind ourselves of the dangers of this silent killer. Let’s educate and encourage our friends and family to check themselves regularly. There’s a worrying trend amongst young men and women. Please let’s put in healthy measures to prevent this silent killer.

Expansion and Refurbishment of Total House Clinic airport branch

Total House clinic have expanded and refurbished it’s airport branch to include specialist Clinics service. call to book an appointment: 0303966075 Below are some of the specialist clinics available at Total House Clinic Gyaenecology, Paediatrics, Ophalmologist, Clinic psychology, Dentist, General Surgery, Urology, Diabetes, Occupational Health, Wellness Clinic, Medical Board